We love strategy games! Building armies, battles, gathering resources, upgrading base facilities. And because the new blockchain technology is here, on top of this, we can now have our piece of virtual land!
This is how this game was born. We want to make it as a starting point to grow further into a complex industry of crafting and weapons forging. With one reason: to gather and fight for crypto coins!
Our assets are public, and because we respect and love the other blockchain games, the assets you gain here can be used in other games, too!
Plus, are a lot of talented developers so if somebody will build awesome modules which can bring added value to this game, we will see if we can add them to the game.
Game plot
The game is a post-apocalyptic game, where our planet didn’t come to a consensus and nations destroyed each other. You survive by luck being in a cave, and find an Old Pickaxe nearby. At the first sunshine, tired of eating bats and lucky to have water in the cave, you take your first breath outside after years.
Outside, civilization is gone but others survived, too. You will start building everything from the resources you gather with your pickaxe, thinking that one day you will have your own land, a big army and a lot of coins!
There are some other rich survivors who paid for their place in strong bunkers. They already have some tools and pieces of land.
And to have some fun, in addition, there is the evil corporation called Elite. When the players will advance to the point where they attract their attention, the never-ending everyday wars will start for resources and crypto coins.

The NFTs in this game are used as tools and lands. You can use them to gather various resources, and each use has a cooldown.
For example, to gather food, you can build or buy a “Chicken Farm” NFT. This will provide you with some food every few minutes.
Of course, everybody will be interested in the Crypto NFTs, which produce crypto EBI coins for you. But to get there, there is some proof-of-play to do.
Your start with an Old Pickaxe and you gather iron with it (and you might find other things, too). To use your pickaxe and gather, you need food and water. Because you are at the beginning, your goal will clearly be to have your own source of water and food, even basic ones, because otherwise, part of what you gather will go to Elite’s Central Vaults, as payment for your food/water for survival. This was introduced to make the start a bit tricky and some grinding for people who don’t want to start with bringing liquidity.
After you gather enough iron, you can build other basic (common) virtual-NFT-like tools. Once you have them all, the next step will be, of course, to gather enough resources to craft the green and blue NFTs. There is a big upgrade between their rarities, for obvious reasons. We don’t want people to craft all NFTs in one week or to get the rare crypto mining too fast, because this will give value to existing NFTs. In addition, we want some long-term active players so we can play and build a community!
You can craft only common, uncommon and rare NFTs. The epic, legendary and mythic ones are from packs only or from random drops. We will add from time to time some epic+ new NFTs, but NOT from the limited series which are already in the game. There will be some unique super-limited NFTs maybe every few weeks, which will be put into random drops pool with care to not decrease the value of the existing ones. We do this because after a few weeks/months, we could see that the game will be imbalanced, lacking badly some resources (for example, too many powerful food NFTs), give players some additional reason to play, etc.
One of the goals will of course be to get the highest level of crypto NFTs, which will gather crypto coins for you. After that, you can login daily to fight for crypto coins and play with us, or only from time to time – it’s up to you. We will take care to give active players chances for profits and to casuals to have chances to play, too.

NFT type and rarity
There are 6 rarities: common (virtual-NFT-like cards which are not NFTs written in blockchain), common, rare, epic, legendary and mythic. There are tools used for crafting and prospecting, or storage, and lands.
Right now, the resources provided by NFTs are: iron, coal, wood, water, food, crypto coins, virtual dollars (vusd), storage space, energy, oil, gas, etc. We will add other resources in the future.
With some NFTs or crypto, you can have special features. For example, there are some high rarity NFTs which will open a new console to prospect all factories with one click.
We didn’t want to add all features on the NFT itself and what it brings because, in time, we might see that some need a boost or we can add new features to them. But we really don’t plan on intervening into the game economy at all, because markets always auto-regulate.
We will not make public the anti-cheating and random drop strategy, because we don’t want the game to be abused.
To have a strong economy, you will need storage because even if you have some legendary NFT which will gather a lot of resources in one click, you won’t have space for them if you have just a simple basic storage box. And, of course, to use some NFTs, sometimes you will need some type of resources (for example, to use some crypto NFTs, you will need energy), so not only that you will need storage, but you will need a balance of various resources.
Some NFTs have cooldowns, because obviously, we don’t want some mythic NFT to be clicked every second.
Don’t bother to build autoclickers, bots, parsers, because we have random content which appears now and then giving you various actions and you might end clicking that you agree to freeze your account for a while. And no, we will not unlock if you come to make drama on Discord. Don’t bother and don’t autoclick! We learned from other blockchain games what the effects are. So, if you might validate that you are 200% a bot/clicker/parser/wannabe-hacker, we won’t just ban your account but also report you to WAX and others before we do. And after that, we will mark your NFTs as banned too (they all have unique IDs).
You can play with multiple-accounts on the same IP, and we will love to see your family on the same land having fun! The game was designed to have proof of work/play or proof of stake. You can’t send resources in the game from one player to another, so in order to have two powerful crypto NFTs in two different accounts, you will need to have the other NFTs to store and the resources to use them. If you think you can achieve some head-bashing-multi-tasking between multiple bases at once, well… we really don’t care if there are two players doing it or just one who wants to do it 8h/day, because this will burn you down after a while with the proof-of-work and you will miss counters and opportunities.
To craft an NFT, you will need to select your Construction yard. There, you can choose which NFT you want to craft and you will see the resources required to craft it.
Crafting is instant right now. We know it’s not “natural”, but we think that maybe you want to craft an NFT for your friend or you want to sell it because you see there is none on the market, and waiting hours for it to be crafted will be annoying. However, we have the possibility to add a crafting time, so we might introduce this in the future if we see it is needed.
You can’t craft a rare NFT with the basic tools, you will need the uncommon construction NFT first.
A crafted NFT will be written in blockchain, and it’s YOUR NFT!
You can see all crafted NFTs in your inventory, and you can select there which NFT you want to use or not.
Careful, if you select a storage box instead some epic storage NFT and you have a lot of resources, what can’t fit will be discarded. The same cooldowns of NFTs remain active, even if you switch them.
Crypto coins
Some players will choose to make some money by selling NFTs, some will choose to grind crypto coins, some will play for encounters and gameplay. We are not against any of those ways, because that’s what everybody wants.
That’s why we have this mindset:
#1 We want players to earn based on their investment. If we see an exaggerated imbalance, we will try to fix it to make it fair for everybody, especially for investors!
#2 We do let some random NFT drop to keep this game interesting, but don’t think that you will find 100 NFTs to sell today with an Old Pickaxe, because you won’t, even if yes, you might find a mythic one by pure luck!
#3 We want to give players reasons to pay for their crypto coins and resources for various things, and we are not talking here about the useless “buy this cute blockchain puppy which doesn’t do anything for 10000$”.
#4 In general, we want the resources, crypto, fiat to go into NFTs and armies, blueprints, rare resources or features.
#5 Land owners are rewarded. Imagine having 30 referral players, mining EBI and paying you tax! Yes, passive income!
#6 The Elite faction will keep the balance in this game. If you want your dear EBI, you will need to play.
#7 We want to grow the game into a crazy economy of items and craft right now, a nice community not only of farmers but of mmo-RTS/RPG gaming lovers, too, with hope that someday, we can reach the next level of the game which we have in plan!
#8 We will make updates from time to time, bringing more and more content, going deeper into the gaming and fun part.
EBIs earned will be written in blockchain. There is one setting in your account if you want to write the crypto coins every time you get them, daily automatically, or on demand. This is to avoid useless calls to blockchain which might bring bad game experience (like captcha, etc.).
Do what you want with the NFTs and crypto coins from the blockchain!
Have fun (and make profits)!
Everybody wants LAND! And we made it so attractive, because we learned from other games!
The Land NFT is written in blockchain. You can sell it on markets, you already know why you want it!
There will be no further “another continent”, “more land packs” after the start of the game.
If the game gets really bloated and stuck and we will need to expand it, we will go underground. The underground parcel will pay to above one tax, and will have different new introduced resources bonuses to not affect the existing land owners. But we really don’t plan/want this.
Every player who does not have land will be given a tent on one of the existing lands. He will pay to the land lord fees from what he’s gathering, a part of his iron, crypto, etc.
New players with tents, will be assigned EQUALY on lands, so all lands will have +-1 maximum difference of players on them.
You can’t kick the players from your land.
A player can move to another land (because they give bonuses like food), but only after his spot is filled. So, he will sit in a queue until he can be transferred to another land. There are no lands which give crypto bonuses.
You can’t change the tax income.
Banned accounts or those inactive for more than 30 days will be removed from your used tents/players slots, and new players will be added instead.
Land NFTs have a Blockchain Asset mark on them.
Users who sign up through your referral will be placed on your land automatically.
At first pack sales, to avoid issues with payments made at the same time due to slow Ethereum, we might add a few extra parcels to the map as exceptions! But, no, even if there will be double the demand of parcels, we will not double the map.
Elite TAX and involvement
Elite is the NPC game faction which will bring equilibrium in the things we can’t foresee.
The game will start without crypto taxes and no involvement from the Elite side. New players will only pay for food and water in resources to the Elite Central Vault, if they don’t have them, while prospecting other resources, to force them to build/buy NFTs.
However, if the game will develop and we want new features, maybe to pay for better web hosting, developers and so on, we might need to put a small tax if things go out of control.
Because we love DEFI, this will happen ONLY after the entire game community will vote. We will make pools and we will ask you if you want to bring the game in one direction or another. We will think if one big investor should have more votes than 100 old pickaxers.
But on the other side, the Elite is one of your problems in game. After enough players will reach a point where enough resources are gathered, armies can be built and war will start.
Every day or weekly, Elite forces will battle the players who sent their armies to war. There will be armies wiped out, crypto won, NFTs won, resources won or lost, balanced to each player’s involvement. This way, even some casual players can fight and loot a bit, but the real gamers will loot more.
The war part is still under construction, so things might change in one direction or another. The input from community will play an important role, too. We want the game to be fair for casual and non-casuals too, and we want you to use your resources and crypto for this and to win some fiat too! It remains to be discussed if a chance to win a mythic NFT in a weekly epic battle is a strong reason to make players interested, or maybe we will find something else. Like we said, we are waiting for your input/ideas.
EBI token
Our crypto token is called EBI
No, we are not on Binance and big guys markets. It is up to all of you if the game will grow and get there! We are open to all good ideas and help.
What we think:
– for a token to have value, it needs to have a purpose, and that purpose to not unbalance the game
– for a token to have value, it needs to be hard to get or rare
– for a token to have value, it needs to have an immediate need
– for a token to have value, it needs to have a cash out option too to fiat
– for a token to have value, it should be easier to add fiat into the game than getting the token exchanged around
We do know what in some countries, some people will farm all day long for 3$ with free tools and cash out every time they can, and we know that tens of thousands of those are not good for game economy, infrastructure, etc.
That’s why the game will make that “free to win” side a bit harder, and will make the “pay a little bit to be much easier” very appealing. Because even for land owners, it will be better to have 10 players with rare+ NFTs than 100 players with common ones.
To make $1, somebody needs to be happy to take that $1 out from his pocket.
This is our philosophy!
EBIDS is blockchain-based under the no-rules of the crypto world!
This means:
– there is no warranty that this game will go one way or another
– there is no warranty that this game will work on mobile, tablet, it was designed for PC
– there is no warranty that your investments will go to zero or to the moon
– there is no warranty of the uptime of the blockchain, site, network, infrastructure
– there is no way to recover your resources/NFTs from lost wallets
– there is no way to recover accounts if you lost the wallets and you had no backup email to verify them
– there is no KYI, so there is no warranty that we can link a player to some assets
– there are no rules in the crypto world, but we will impose our ban hammer to any abuse which will disturb with intention the game, really bad language, threats, racism, spam, trolling and other such things on our social media channels
– there is no warranty that EBI will go to 0$ to 1$ or to 10$, the market will decide. We will try to provide content to give value to the coin and we are listening to any good idea
– DO NOT play with money you can’t afford to lose!
– DO NOT buy mythic NFTs and start a drama if you see that after 1 hour the whole market is crashing and they go from 1000$ to 1$ or the other way around.
– we DO NOT reimburse things which affect the economy. It’s a game, it’s really solely your problem if you click wrong and wipe your resources or if you put some auto-clicker which will donate all your assets while you sleep.
– we DO NOT mint lost NFTs
– we DO NOT restore hacked accounts
– we DO NOT care if somebody fooled you to buy some mythic NFT for 100.000$ on Atomic and you figured out that in fact you can’t even use it because you lack, for example, the energy required or the storage, etc.
– the moment you enter the game, you understand that you are in the no-man-crypto-land, where there are no terms, laws or rules, except our ban hammer which will be used when we see intention to break the common-sense fair-play rules we specified here
What we will do:
– keep a gaming RTS/RPG strategy and direction
– develop constantly from passion
– listen to all your ideas, even if sometimes we will not sit to argue with you if one is good over another
– expand the game features and complexity
– if at some point we need to fork the game in some direction which might affect the economy, we will make some democratic pools to protect your investments
– keep a peaceful and friendly atmosphere on our social media channels
– never ask you for passwords, wallets, usernames, email address or any other information